Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Cleaning Up Loose Ends

There are a couple of things that have been rolling around in my brain. I want to write them down

  • The lace chart that I'm using for the beaded, Alpaca Cloud wrap only shows the pattern rows. Between each pattern row I am purling a row.
  • The beaded side of the lace pattern is reverse stockinette.
  • The edges of the wrap are garter stitch.
  • The beads on the edges of the wrap are suspended between the stitches.
  • The beads in the diamonds of the lace pattern are knit in by slipping the stitch to be beaded with the float on the public side. The bead is placed on the float and locked into place when the stitches are knit purled on the next row.
  • I used 5 repeats of the pattern, 1 extra stitch for symetry and 5 edge stitches on each side for a total of 91 stitches.

That's all I can think of right now. If any other little things come to mind you'll be the first to know!


Anonymous said...

Lou, I'm really enjoying your progress on the wrap. It's truly quite lovely!

Lou Schiela said...

Thank you for your nice comment. Thanks for your inspiration too!