I've gotten a few questions about the wrap I'm working on. I'm planning on putting a project page together for this wrap but that's not going to happen within the next week or two so I'll list the project specs here.
- I started with size 4 10" Bryspun single point needles but changed to 24" addi tubo size 4 circular so I could hold up the wrap and see the pattern without it being all bunched up.
- I expect that I'll only need one skein of Alpaca Cloud although I have a second if I need it.
- I've already knit my fourth pattern repeat and am estimating that I'll knit ten repeats.
- I estimate that I'm going to need about 2600 beads if I knit ten repeats.
- I'm using cheap-o beads from Rag Shop. 2 cut glass beads. 3/4 ounce for $.99. I'm into the second bag and just purchased two more. I'll probably use three of the four packages I purchased.
- I started the wrap (and will end the wrap) with five garter stitch ridges (10 rows) and suspended a bead between each stitch on the right side only (90 beads on each right side row.)
- I'm knitting five edge stitches on each side of the wrap in garter stitch and suspending beads between the stitches on each right side row (4 beads each edge on each right side row.)
- I've read about knitted lace being either garter based or stockinette based. Without the beads, the lace I am knitting would be considered stockinette based. I'm knitting my yo's and decreases on the knit side and purling a plain row between each patterned row. However, I'm applying the beads on the reverse side so I'm calling my wrap reverse stockinette based.
- The lace pattern I'm using forms small diamonds between the lattices. I'm beading these diamonds. For symetry I want the beads to be on a stitch instead of between stitches. To accomplish this I'm slipping each stitch I want beaded with the "float" on the publich (reverse stockinette) side. I slide a bead onto the float before knitting the next stitch.
- The lace pattern I'm using is adapted from pattern #20 in Knitting Lace A workshop with Patterns and Projects by Susanna E. Lewis. I've charted it here but have recharted it to indicate where I'm placing beads. I'll put the revised chart on the project page.
I'd love to see how this looks in any other color of Alpaca Cloud. Since my boredom threshold is pretty low I doubt I'll be knitting this again. If anyone else knits something like it will you please consider sharing pictures?
1 comment:
Thank you for all those details! I've tried knitting lace (unsuccessfully) a few times, and I think it was my needle choice most of the time. I recently got a set of Bryspuns, and I hope they will work better for me :). I'm also excited to use some beads, as you've noticed in Fibo sweater.
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