I find that I'm more of a one-project-at-a-time person. That's not to say that I complete each project before moving on to the next. What I mean is that I generally focus on one project at a time. If I hit a bump or a lull in a project I will generally put it aside and start something new. I rarely go back to the old projects. I have a boatload of unfinished projects. I'm trying my darnedest to not let that happen to K's heart flower sweater. The mis-shappen sleave cap may be the end of her sweater. As I'm considering my next move on the sweater I'm being tempted by the lure of new projects. The Soy Silk I bought to make a top for A has been singing a siren's song. I'm itching to cast on for a top down top. I'm going to use Grumperina's Tivoli T pattern as a starting point. I have a few moderations in mind to adjust it for a different gauge and to make it more suitable for A's girlish figure. (It really is girlish - she's 9!)
I have been experiencing lace envy. I joined the Summer of Lace group and I'm reading about the lace that so many others are knitting. I love knitting lace. It's an obsession I picked up about a decade ago. Right now I have no lace projects going. Last month I finished my Lattice Lace Wrap. I'm thinking about knitting another one without the beads (or maybe just putting beads on the edges.) I also got Myrna Stahman's book on Faroese shawls and seamen's scarves. I've been looking at the shawls with their unique shaping. I would also like to knit some lace scarves for teachers' gifts this year. I need to start early if I really want to get 4 of them done by Christmas.
I have a special skein of yarn in my stash. It's been in my stash for more years than I'd care to admit. It's 300 yds of Qiviut. It's incredibly soft. I understand that it's amazingly warm. I'm starting to feel the pressure of owning and not using such luxury. I really want to find an appropriate use for this skein. What's a girl to do? I'll have to think on that one a bit more.
I was a good girl today. In spite of my "love 'em or leave 'em" attitude towards my knitting projects I picked up TWO old projects today. We took the kids to see Herbie Fully Loaded (a cute movie!) and I really didn't want to be tempted by the popcorn. I brought the Shapely Tank I started a long time ago to try to keep my hands busy. I got a couple of rows done but I still managed to eat some popcorn. Ultimately, I had to stop knitting because I dropped a stitch and couldn't find it in the dark. I know that the picture makes it look like I am knitting this top in the round but I'm not. This is just the front that I'm knitting back and forth. I stopped about 10 stitches into a row. This is a free pattern from Joan McGowan-Michaels at White Lies Designs.
I also knit a few rounds on the toe up socks I started around Easter. I knit most of what's already done while waiting for my kids to take their swimming lessons this spring. I put them aside when I got so passionately involved with K's heart flower sweater. I need to hurry up and finish this sock because I will probably use these needles for my Sockapal2za socks. Speaking of which, I'm still no closer to picking out the yarn I will use for my sock pal's socks. If you want to take a look at the choices they are here. Feel free to weigh in with an opinion.
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Siren Song
Posted by
Lou Schiela
6/26/2005 10:08:00 PM
Don't you love that Myrna Stahman book? I hear she has a new book in the works, and I can't wait until it comes out. A lace smoke ring might be nice for the quivet, or a moebius scarf. I am sure whatever you decide to make with it, it is going to be a delight to knit with.
Hello, Lou.
I am your evil Sockapal2za secret pal, at last making my presence known! And I am going to make you the most wicked socks you've ever seen...
Just a warning.
Evil Cackle.
I find that sometimes when I move onto the next project it clears my mind to a solution for the abandoned one. Maybe?
The silk sock yarn is so nice! I would love to do something out of qiviut. I found a kit to make a lace bookmark out of it, I just need to order it.
You asked for opinions, so who am I to hesitate (except that I've been so lax with blog reading that I'm more than a week late...). So, I would vote for lace socks in one the hand dyed colorways you did yourself. Comfy and unique -- what sock pal could ask for more?
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