Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Quakertown SnB

I attended the first SnB meeting in Quakertown last night. I had a great time. It was a small crowd but a lively and lovely bunch of women. I can't wait until next month. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of Brenda's completed prayer shawl. She will have given it away before our next get together so we have to settle for pictures.

Lisa is pictured below working on a baby blanket for a preemie baby. The texture stitch she is using looks great with the varigated yarn.

Leslie is making a great sweater using Manos cotton yarn. I love that yarn. Leslie selected a great color. I was knitting on my wrap.

Leslie, Lisa and Brenda

Leslie brought her High Mesa cardigan for show and tell. You can't tell from the pictures but this yarn MUST be touched. It is a bulky, superwash merino and is so soft. I wanted to take the sweater home with me.

The back of Leslie's High Mesa Cardigan

The front of Leslie's cardigan

Leslie was reluctant to model her High Mesa over her purple shirt. I assured her no one would even notice if I didn't mention it in my post. So I won't mention it. (hee hee, I crack myself up!)

We're meeting again on May 24th. Feel free to stop by and join us.

1 comment:

opportunityknits said...

Please tell Leslie that her cardigan is lovely, especially all the patternwork at the top. What purple tshirt? - too busy oogling the cardi.