Thursday, June 09, 2005

Stitch Group Tonight!

Champion Procrastinator

Tonight I am hosting my stitching group. We take turns hosting. Having very strong hermit tendancies can make hosting very stressful for me. That and the fact that I actually have to CLEAN my house (or at least the part that I'm going to let my guests see.) With all this work to do what am I actually doing? BLOGGING! What better way to procrastinate. I don't even have any new pictures for you.

So many people that signed up for the raffle have commented on the purpleness of the yarn. I have to tell you that the yarn really only looks that purple outside, at dusk, on a shrub. In regular light it looks more like this (the two skeins on the right.) The beads coordinate beautifully with the yarn. I got light purple "rainbow" beads and they highlight all the fiber colors in the yarn. I think it will be lovely! I can't wait to see if I'm right.

I got a little work done on K's heart flower sweater yesterday when I took the kids to swim at the pool. I had to order more purple Shine because I won't have enough to knit the sleeves. I love the way it's coming out. I'll post pictures tomorrow after I have recovered from hosting tonight.

Okay, back to cleaning the kitchen. The floor has to be mopped every once in a while.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I too should be mopping the floor but am at the computer. I only have a small window where my 2 year old is in bed...and it's the perfect time for cleaning...and blogging :-)