I need some input from all of you who are participating in Sockapal2za. But first...Here is a picture of Little Miss K on Friday. She had orientation for pre-Kindergarten. Orientation lasts approximately one hour and I stay in the classroom and sit on the little itty bitty chairs and listen to the teachers say the same things they've said in every one of the eight preschool orientations I've been to over the past several years. I don't really mind that though. K gets to see her teachers, her classroom and whatever friends are in her class from last year. What bugs me about orientation is that I'm so anal retentive that I feel like I have to buy her two "first" day of school outfits. Orientation is sort of the first day but it's sort of not. This is her orientation outfit. She wore a really cute outfit on Monday too for her first REAL day of school. I didn't get pictures on Monday but I'll get them next time she wears the outfit and she will wear it several times again because it's just that cute!
So, on to my Sockapal2za dilemma. As I told you yesterday, I'm hosting my stitching group this Thursday. As you also know, since your taking part in Sockapal2za, Thursday is the day we mail our socks to our sock pals. What I want your opinion about is whether or not it would be really terrible to keep my socks for show and tell on Thursday evening and mail them first thing Friday morning. Would that be horribly unthinkable? My socks are on course for completion. I've picked up the stitches along the heel flap and have started the gusset decreases. I have two evenings left. I routinely stay up until the wee hours of the morning which will give me plenty of knitting time. The most important thing I have going for me, though, is a deadline. Nothing motivates me more than a looming deadline. I once read a quote described me to a tee...
"If it weren't for the last minute I'd never get anything done!"
Please let me know what you think about mailing the socks out Friday!
I think it would be perfectly fine to keep your socks half a day extra! Hopefully you'll be done by then and your knitting group can give you some much-deserved compliments in person :).
Mail them Friday, I say. The colors are beautiful!
Mail them friday....I won't care :-)~
Oh, I wouldn't worry about it at all. I actually emailed Alison to ask her to consider moving the official mailing date to Saturday the 17th, since getting to the post office during the week can be hard for some of us. She said not to worry about mailing it a couple of days late. I'm not mailing mine until Saturday, because I just can't get to the post office on Thursday or Friday without missing a lot of work, which I'd have to make up in the evening.
With the variance in the postal system, I bet that nobody would even notice. Depending on what time of day you get to the post office, how fast they are, and how far your socks are travelling, I don't think a day or two difference in mailing date will even be detectable.
I think they are turning out beautifully. One day in the postal service won't matter!! Keep them and show them off---your sock pal won't mind. She'll just be floored about how much time, effort and care you've invested in this project for her!
Show those gorgeous babies off!! One day won't matter.
Gorgeous, and worth a day's wait.
Your socks, however, are in the mail to you even as we speak. Muahahahahahahah
Brace yourself for some seriously wild sockage.
Sincerely yours,
Your evil sockpal
I'm absolutely positive that your sock pal will understand. Goodness, she's a knitter too. Just let her know and I'm sure all will be ok. BTW, the socks are looking fab.
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