Friday, June 08, 2007

Sheepish Communication

Check out this cool picture

I found this link at

Knee Deep in Fibers


Anonymous said...

Glad you liked the link Lou! Love your Lattice Lace Wrap - I just might have some yarn in my stash I could use for this!

Lea at Knee Deep

Unknown said...

OK, Lea said I could find the Lttice Leaf Wrap here, but I don't see it!

Love the Easter finery!

Lou Schiela said...

Ok, so it's probably an unwritten blog rule that you don't comment on your own blog but I have no way to contact chrisknitz because your profile doesn't seem to be public. There's a link on my main blog page to the Lattice Lace Wrap pattern. It's on the right side in the side bar at the bottom of the first screen. I know that some people that use foxfire have trouble seeing it. If you email me (louvfs at verizon dot net)I'll send you a link to the pattern.