Friday, January 05, 2007

Summer Knitting

A's summer top - click to enlargeWith temperatures in the 60s it certainly doesn't feel like the dead of winter. What better conditions than a January thaw to show you my summer knitting. This is a top I made for A last summer. I put together a submission package and sent it off to a magazine to see if they would publish it. Since they declined I can comfortably post the photos. Here is A modelling. I think she looks so grown up. A found the varigated yarn in my stash and asked if I would make a top for her. I didn't have enough for a whole top so I bought some solid blue to go with it. The design of this top evolved along the way.

The bottom is K1P1 rib. I used short rows to form the peak and then knit the pointed waistband in garter stitch. The neck line was also formed with short rows. The front neckband, straps and back neckband are all knit in garter stitch as one circle.

It was a fun project and I have pink yarn to make a similar top for K. Maybe next summer the girls can wear their tops together.


Jan said...

That top is beautiful, Lou. Have you though about publishing the pattern on your site? It is really neat, and I bet she loves it!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous top, and looks lovely on your daughter! I like the way you use contrasting colors to define the angles of the garment.

Anonymous said...

The top is really lovely - perfect for a girl in summer. Shame the publisher didn't want it :(

Diane said...

Love the knitted top--she looks so pretty! Glad to see you are back to blogging!
Happy 2007

Theresa said...

This top is so cute! I can't believe they didn't choose it, because this looks like what is really in style right now for young women. Thanks for posting on my blog...and welcome back to blogging...I missed you!

Unknown said...

I agree with Jan! I just found you by accident, and actually I want the top for me (40 ish mother of 3 teenage sons!)- so please let us know if you are or have written it up or published it!!!